Okay, okay - its not the greatest of the series (I personally like Part 5 and Jason X for its pure unadulterated hamminess), but I think the problem with the film is more than just being bad but it was bizarre - it was so totally off the charts, I enjoyed it more looking at it from the perspective of a stand-alone film rather than part of the series. As part of the series, well, lets just say there is a lot to complain about, but on its own - its not bad. Certainly has a bit more personality than the other films. It felt a bit like Freddy Part 6 but made less sense! Its not that bad - worth a look if you like the series.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Seriously, THE reason to watch "Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday" is the tent scene (or whatever it's called). When my friends and I watched the movie, we had to watch that scene a few times just to absorb it. It has to be one of the coolest scenes ever put to film.The rest of the movie is pretty routine, as the hockey-masked slasher goes around butchering people. Needless to say, it wasn't the final Friday, since there was another addition to the series, plus "Freddy vs. Jason".So, it's fun just to watch and laugh as various and sundry characters get slaughtered for disobeying the survival rules laid out in "Scream". Knowing that Jason and Freddy met, I wonder if the two will ever meet Michael Myers.That jungle gym was the one from "The Birds". Now there's something that Hitchcock never predicted!
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
So, they decided to downgrade the series even more with cheap effects and trashy version of Alien. Didn't rate this 1 star only because it was slightly amusing. This franchise would've been better if it stayed in the 80s.